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2013年10月1日 星期二

The Specifics of Employee Furloughs
James Witherspoon
The current economic crisis has caused employers to try a number of different things in an attempt to save their companies that are losing money. Some tactics are perfectly legal while others are questionable. One thing that has become increasingly popular is furloughing employees rather than laying them off.
id=4765401 - Aug 04, 2010
Making the Most Out of Being on Furlough
Donald Tee Carson
Being on a furlough doesn't have to be a negative experience. If looked at from the right angle, furloughs can give you the opportunity that you've been looking for.
id=2217439 - Apr 13, 2009
Furlough Days Or Layoff - What's the Difference?
James W. Stone
Our state and local governments have started asking their workers to take Furlough Days, or even to work some days with no pay. Private employers aren't asking for this. So, what is the difference between the two scenarios and how did it come to this?
id=2602732 - Jul 13, 2009
Making Extra Cash During Friday Furlough
Eric Lofton
I know that the Friday Furlough is really hurting a lot of people. The cost of living is hard enough to keep up with when you are working over time. I wanted to quickly go over something that you can do to make extra cash during the Friday Furlough.
id=1969245 - Feb 07, 2009
Let's Furlough Congress
Bill Yates
Many cities and states are struggling with their revenues, making cost cutting a necessity to balance their budgets. California is directing state workers, including teachers, to take unpaid days off. Tulsa, Oklahoma is having police and other city workers take furlough days. This is prudent government reacting to the realities of recession and making the necessary changes to assure a balanced budget.
id=2738851 - Aug 10, 2009
Furlough Medical Insurance - What is Available?
Jeffery Gulleson
If you live overseas and do not have an insurance plan that includes coverage in the USA, assume that you will travel frequently from your country of residence to the USA. Ensure you get the best health insurance coverage for your travel to and from your country of residence and the USA.
id=1852078 - Jan 06, 2009
What Are You Doing With Your Time on Furlough? Why Not Learn How to Make Money Online?
B Carter
Today you found out that you are going to be required to take mandatory time on furlough. This means you will not be getting paid for the time that you are off, so if you are like many other working individuals you may be starting to panic about how you are going to pay the bills the payday your when your check is going to be short from your time off. Why not start to learn a new skill for yourself, so this will never happen again.
id=2633446 - Jul 19, 2009
The FAA Furloughs of 2013 Averted - By An Act of Congress No Less?
Lance Winslow
It seems as if the federal government and many of the agencies are concerned about budget cuts. This is unfortunate for a couple of reasons. First of all, it seems as if a government agency's job is to get bigger. That is to spend all of the money they budgeted, plus a little bit more therefore they can ask for more money from Congress during the next fiscal year. Secondly, it's unfortunate when these agencies try little mass media propaganda campaigns or pretend crisis to try to extort the money out of the public.
id=7682671 - Apr 30, 2013
6 Smart Tips On How To Make The Most Of Your Furlough
Marshall Brown
A growing number of sectors, in various industries, are using furloughs as another means of cutting expenses. A furlough CAN be a red flag that your job, department or company is in danger.
id=2912063 - Sep 12, 2009
Beat the Furlough Blues - Start Making Money Online Now
Hugh O'Neil
You still have a job, but your hours were cut... then you need to beat the furlough blues and start making money online now. Okay, you have been furloughed, therefore, you have some time available to earn a little extra cash to either supplement or improve your financial situation.

