insurance,health,Travel,Drug,medicine,cure,Plastic surge

2013年10月1日 星期二

Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act: Financial Security for Divorcing Women
Amanda DuBois
In my 20 years as a divorce attorney, I have learned that nothing is more frightening to most divorcing women than facing the fact that there is a very real possibility that after divorce they cannot afford to protect their health and more importantly, the health of their children. Now with the Affordable Health Care Act, divorced women may no longer have to worry about the cost of health insurance. Here's why!
id=7267545 - Sep 04, 2012
ObamaCare Unlocked: The Affordable Care Act's 10 Essential Benefits
Gregg R Adams
One of the big changes the Affordable Care Act will usher in is the requirement that all Qualified Health Plans offer 10 Essential Health Benefits. What are they, and how do they affect you? This article unlocks it all for you.
id=8008105 - Sep 17, 2013
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Electorate
Brian Eberst
The recent ruling by the Supreme Court will reintroduce The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as a campaign issue. This issue will reignite the emotions of the electorate and take us back to the 2010 election.
id=7184900 - Jul 18, 2012
What Is The Affordable Care Act?
James Mwangi
The country is changing rapidly, and plenty of new laws are being introduced every year. One of the most controversial changes so far has been the affordable health care act. What is affordable care act? How does it affect the average person?
id=7530199 - Mar 03, 2013
Healthcare Fraud Prevention - A Medicare Fraud Enforcement Roadmap Under the Affordable Care Act
James F. Barger Jr.
In a Youtube address just over a year ago, President Obama cryptically alluded to his administration's acknowledgment of the healthcare fraud epidemic with phrases like "rooting out waste" and "unnecessary spending" and promises to "make drug makers pay their fair share," calling on doctors and hospitals to cease "unnecessary treatments and tests-but like most politicians he offered no concrete plan for a solution.... On June 8, however, a letter was sent by two of the President's top cabinet members - Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Siebelius - unequivocally stating the first benchmark in the fight against healthcare fraud: cut the Medicare improper payment rate in half.
id=4537111 - Jun 23, 2010
How Does Obama's Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Help Me?
Brian W. Thacker
Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) provides subsidies for individuals and families for health insurance after 2014. This article explains the process and how this Affordable Care Act works. It is intended to help people purchase insurance through exchanges. Once Americans purchase insurance, the IRS will provide a subsidy to pay for the insurance plans based on their income.
id=5621117 - Dec 27, 2010
Affordable Care Act Penalties Are Already Impacting the Economy
Mike L Moyer
Employers are already implementing strategies to minimize their exposure to Affordable Care Act penalties in 2014 and with good reason. These employers are minimizing their risk by doing the calculations now, instead of facing daunting penalties of $2,000 per full time employee that are not offered minimum health benefit requirements.
id=7463808 - Jan 14, 2013
Is Your Staffing Software Ready for the Affordable Care Act?
Terri Roeslmeier
Some authorities predict that ACA could ultimately be a boon for temporary staffing companies. Companies will decide to hire employees through a temporary staffing agency in order to avoid any health-cost obligations that they may incur as the direct employer. We know that the Affordable Care Act is generating billions for insurers, hospitals and even technology vendors. But could it prove to do the same for staffing companies?
id=7819103 - Jun 25, 2013
Affordable Care Act - What Does it Mean For Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers?
James F. Barger Jr.
Amidst all the noise about healthcare reform, few are discussing or even aware of the details of the actual bill. As far as healthcare whistleblowers are concerned, these key changes among others written into the new law warrant mentioning...
id=4538488 - Jun 23, 2010
Small Business Employers Asked to Give Feedback on Affordable Care Act
Rob L Daniel
Are you an employer of at least 50 full-time staff members currently on the Affordable Care Act? Do you give feedback to the IRS and the Treasury Department on the Affordable Care Act as earlier requested? If not, then it is time you gave it a serious thought.

