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2013年10月1日 星期二

Fast Ricin Detection - Is it Now Possible?
Freddic Clay
Ricin, a poison found in Castor beans is so potent that even if a small quantity, the size of a grain of salt, gets into your system can kill you. However, scientists now may have developed a new assay system that detects ricin fast and easy.
id=2202007 - Apr 09, 2009
Death By Umbrella - The Brollies Of Doom
Adam Singleton
The "Umbrella Murder" is the most famous incident involving the misuse of a brolly, and took place on the streets of London in 1978. Georgi Markov, a Bulgarian novelist and playwright who defected from the communist state to work for the BBC World Service, met The Reaper after being stabbed with an umbrella containing a poison pellet whilst he was waiting at a bus stop on Waterloo Bridge. It's reported that a man holding an umbrella apologised in a foreign accent and then walked off.
id=898364 - Dec 27, 2007
The Poison Pellet Murder
David Beedham
At first, it seemed to Georgi Markov to have been one of those accidents that always occur in a London rush hour. He was walking past a bus stop near Waterloo Bridge when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his thigh. It seemed a man with an umbrella had accidentally spiked him. He was surprised to find his skin had been pierced.
id=3802336 - Feb 27, 2010
Orange Essential Oil - What Is It Used for?
Kyle Tanner
Orange oil is a pure vegetable oil which is purely extracted from orange seeds as a byproduct of the mass production of the orange juice. It is rising in popularity and a lot of people are now finding uses for the orange oil.
id=6974999 - Mar 31, 2012
Harmful Plants That Could Kill Or Injure Your Pet
Melanie McVarney
A home without plants is not complete. Decorate your home and backyard with plants that are not harmful to your pets, be wary of the plants mentioned in this article, having these around can cause your pets life.
id=844305 - Nov 21, 2007
Castor Bean Benefits - Side Effect ad Uses of Castor Bean
Robin Brain
Castor bean contains a constituent called ricin, a protoplasmic poison that causes cell death after binding to normal cells and disrupting deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and protein metabolism. Ricin may have analgesic and antiviral properties. Castor bean is available as a paste for external use.
id=994948 - Feb 19, 2008
Petroleum Industry 'Goes Green' With Biolubes
Rakesh Kumar S
Bio-lubricants or bio-based lubricants have begun to replace non-biodegradable fossil-based lubricants in industrial purposes. The term 'biolubricants' basically refers to all types of lubricants which are biodegradable and non-toxic for both human and aquatic environments.
id=3949291 - Mar 17, 2010
Constipation Remedy 101 - Castor Oil
Nydia Fieldcroft
Castor Oil has been a popular constipation remedy since the beginning of human civilization. It is an undoubtedly strong stimulant laxative, but questions about its safety and comfort of use remain. In this article, we will look at how castor oil works and examine if it is a viable option for treating chronic constipation.
id=5294098 - Oct 29, 2010
Chemical and Biological Warfare and the Future of Conflict Considered
Lance Winslow
Did you know that in Osama bin Laden's treasure trove of files was information on how to disperse bio-weapons in America, he wanted to use ricin? Yes, that's a scary thought indeed. Did you know that Hilary Clinton is going to speak at Geneva, Switzerland - at the convention meeting coming up - about the need for more control and rules over the use of bio-weapons?
id=6736674 - Dec 05, 2011
Bioterrorism Preparedness
Andy Jones
Choosing the right safety gear is the best proactive preparedness measure to combat Bioterrorism.

