insurance,health,Travel,Drug,medicine,cure,Plastic surge

2013年10月3日 星期四

Us Government Shutdown 2013

Us Government Shutdown 2013
What If The Government Shut Down and No One Noticed - It Happened in 1995 You Know
Lance Winslow
Some folks in our population have been led to believe that they need the Federal Government. The reality is you and I have so many layers of government that we really don't. Oh sure we need a strong military - which indeed was the real reason for a Federal Government - to pool the resources of the states for a common defense - but we don't need a Federal Government to tell us how to live our life or even command under threat of taxation, or penalty.
id=8036127 - Oct 01, 2013
Perspective: Stock Market Crash 2013
Consolacion S Miravite
You cannot control a stock crash 2013 in much the same way that you cannot control how the wind blows. Stock trading analysis takes into consideration both macro and micro considerations to foresee what the future holds, short of looking at the crystal ball.. This article tries to analyze all the events affecting stock market movements in the last quarter of the year.
id=8016904 - Sep 21, 2013
Can We Shut Down the Government Even If We Raise the Debt Ceiling?
Scott Spiegel
id=5667360 - Jan 05, 2011
2013 Starts Now for Many Businesses
Rebecca E Wilson
For many businesses 2013 is kicking off this week... truly, it is! Nuts as it might appear, thinking about where your business will get its revenue from in 2013, and planning your pursuit of these markets, both by service stream and by market sector is critical as we head into the last four months of 2012.
id=7271809 - Sep 06, 2012
How Does the Health Care Debate Affect the Republican's Chances in the Mid - Term Elections?
Douglas M Midgley, JD
The need for health care coverage for millions of uninsured Americans is acute, and yet implementation of The Affordable Care Act - the President's health care law found constitutional by the United States Supreme Court earlier this year - is still vehemently opposed by the Republican Party even to the point that they are considering shutting down the government to prevent its funding. Let there be no doubt about it, there is a huge political fight brewing for the upcoming mid-term congressional elections between the wealthy with health care coverage - "the haves", and those far less fortunate who have no health care coverage - "the have-nots".
id=7893827 - Jul 27, 2013
Don't Worry, Democrats: The GOP Has Your Back
Larry M. Elkin
Obamacare's flaws should give Democrats political heartburn, but the GOP offers relief. Republicans, who have no coherent health care plan of their own, may yet provide the cure for Democrats' political ills by shouldering a big share of the blame.,-Democrats:-The-GOP-Has-Your-Back
id=7946786 - Aug 20, 2013
The World Is on the Verge of Bankruptcy As the Elite Seize Accounts
Bob P Jones
Many Americans are beginning to wake up to the truth that the economy is not recovering like the media is portraying. At the beginning of March 2013, the media beat the drum of a full economic recovery as the stock market soared to an all-time record high. When the unemployment numbers were released, it miraculously declined to 7.7%
id=7629833 - Apr 11, 2013
The Character of American Right
Ilya Shambat
Many right-wingers saw Obama's rescuing American car manufacturers as a government attempt to take over the economy. They were lying as usual. Chrysler is back from bankruptcy and is again offering its shares on Wall Street.
id=8024329 - Sep 25, 2013
City Hall Tactics At The White House
Larry M. Elkin
Thanks to the sequester, every team will finish last in the American League. Well, maybe not.
id=7528596 - Mar 01, 2013
Are Audio Visual Integration Consumers Being Misled?
Byron Rabone
I recently reviewed a 92 page essential checklist published by a large electrical manufacturer and it is pleasing to see that the industry is trying to educate consumers on the technologies available today and how best to implement them into the home. Sure it is biased, but this is to be expected from any manufacturer who is looking to increase their market share and develop good product branding.

