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2013年10月8日 星期二


A New Kind Of Patriotism
Jim Wilks
No matter who you voted for in the last election, or even who your parents voted for in past elections, we are all still American citizens today and will be tomorrow. We are all American citizens. T...
id=31936 - Apr 29, 2005
Super Bowl XLII - Road Warrior Giants Bring It Home With 17-14 Victory Over New England Patriots
Dean Mikelis
id=965414 - Feb 04, 2008
Becoming A Patriot
Kurt Jonas
becoming a patriot is a very personal decision. One cannot be told to feel patriotic and as a county that embraces individual freedoms, patriotism is not imposed on any of our citizens.
id=1178703 - May 15, 2008
Patriotism In America, Past and Present
Donna Pampalone
The word patriotism is a word that unfortunately is seldom used in this modern day and age. This word derived more two centuries ago in the early 1700's when America was in it's earliest stages. The Merriam/Webster Dictionary describes the word patriotism as a noun, and it meaning is stated in the dictionary as; love for or devotion to one's country.,-Past-and-Present
id=5094366 - Sep 24, 2010
Patriotism and Blind Nationalism
Dr Tanvir Hussain Bhatti
Patriotism is imperative for national solidarity. Nations afflicted with deficiency of patriotic sentiments are facing internal rifts that provide vacuum to the foreign elements, having their own shoe to polish, to interfere in their internal affairs.
id=1365365 - Jul 29, 2008
Free Patriotic Needlepoint
Angela Hamm
You don't have to spend a lot of money when you learn how to needlepoint. Look for free patriotic needlepoint patterns online, use some of your leftover yarn or floss from your craft stash, and create patriotic needlepoint designs that will add spice and spirit to your home's decor all year long. Needlepoint is easy to learn, there's just one basic stitch to master in many designs, and your finished product can be anything from elegant to whimsical and beyond.
id=1441155 - Aug 25, 2008
How to Get Free Patriotic Ringtones
Ray T. Lewis
Do you want to show off how much you love your country every time someone calls you? Having a patriotic cell phone ringtone is a way to do just that.
id=4322276 - May 19, 2010
Jets Back Up the Talk Against the Patriots
Jack Lee Hoover
To some, Rex Ryan hasn't put himself in a very positive light with his personalization of the last couple games. Calling out Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, and later Patriots coach, Bill Bilichik.
id=5733872 - Jan 16, 2011
Patriotism Is More Complex Than Most Realize - Be Careful What You Are Patriotic About
Donald Ardell
Patriot is a word much abused in today's America. The simplest definition of patriot is one who vigorously supports his country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. Yet, many who wave the flag, associate the nation with a superstition (one nation, under God), support every war, approve laws dubious at best if not unconstitutional (e.g., The Patriot Act) render patriotism unattractive. Today, many would say, If that's patriotism, count me out.
id=6322020 - Jun 02, 2011
Methods of Researching Patriot Ancestors
Nancy Siddons-Daniels
If you think you have a Patriot Ancestor - a direct lineal bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided the fight for American independence - it's your lucky day. I recently interviewed Susan Tillman, the National Chairman of the Membership Committee for the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) after a presentation she made in Austin, Texas. Ms. Tillman offers a treasure trove of vital information that will help guide you through the genealogy research process for mapping your lineage to a Patriot Ancestor.

