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2013年10月1日 星期二

Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time in a Changing World
Sylvia White
Once Upon a Time was always the start of fairy tales and children's stories, now it has a different meaning. For instance, once upon a time children could go out to play or call for their friends and spend hours merely enjoying themselves, or as children do getting into all types of mischief.
id=1086748 - Apr 03, 2008
Once Upon A Time
Matthew F Hall
"Some day, after we have mastered the winds and the waves, the tides and gravity, we will harness the energies of love. And, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire." Is there such thing as "the one" or is it a misconception in society related to time, situation, and space? This article discusses the beginning of time in relationships. More to come.
id=7124517 - Jun 15, 2012
Once Upon a Time in Mexico Film Review
Terrell L Howell
Robert Rodriguez brings out the big guns, literally, for the final installment of his El Mariachi trilogy, Once Upon a Time in Mexico. This last chapter gets El Mariachi, once again played by Antonio Banderas, involved in international espionage as a CIA agent tries to bring down a powerful drug cartel leader in Mexico who is working with a corrupt general. El Mariachi is hired as a hitman by this psychotic agent and once again finds himself involved in lots of gunfire and explosions, narrowly avoiding death at every turn.
id=7273111 - Sep 07, 2012
Once Upon A Time: Prophet, Oversexed Psychopath, Mohammed of Islam Taught Veronique Circumcision No!
Russ Miles
These young men constituted his warriors who he sent out to capture more lands, to steal the possessions of their inhabitants and, if the people living there did not convert to his sect, they were to be beheaded, men, women and children. Later, he realized that to kill all the people who would not convert to his sect was counterproductive, and so he allowed some of them to continue living on their land as long as they paid high taxes to him or became his slaves and their women concubines. Life was made so miserable for these people that many joined his sect in desperation.,-Oversexed-Psychopath,-Mohammed-of-Islam-Taught-Veronique-Circumcision-No!
id=360224 - Nov 15, 2006
Once Upon A Time: Season 1
Jessica Walters
The characters are like old friends; you know all their stories and can recite them with ease. Now after a long absence, they're back but with new stories. Once Upon a Time tells the tale of how our favorite fairy tale characters are unknowing victims trapped between two worlds and need to be saved by the one woman who doesn't believe in them.
id=7278666 - Sep 11, 2012
Once Upon A Time In America: The Early Italian Immigrant's Assimilation Experience Part 3 Of 4
Miriam B Medina
In this, part 3 of a 4 part series that explores Italian immigration into the United States, we will explore the progression and ascension of Italian immigrants into American culture. In part 1 and 2 we discussed the background of various Italian immigrants and why they came to America, and the often poor treatment these immigrants received at the hands of both Americans themselves and their own countrymen.
id=6527673 - Aug 29, 2011
Review of the Movie 'Once Upon a Time in Mumbai'
Madan G Singh
Ekta Kapoor is a well known name in the world of Films and TV shows. She is the daughter of yesteryear star Jitender, who at one time was a heart throb for a past generation. She has now produced a film on the underworld as it existed almost 3 decades back.
id=4820401 - Aug 07, 2010
Once Upon A Time Reminders to Make Trusting Again In A Relationship Worth the Effort
Roy Holtz
Once upon a time can it make you happy again after going through an affair? You made the decision to try to reconnect and give your marriage a second chance. Now is the time to prove it. Here is the skinny...
id=6197096 - Apr 20, 2011
Once Upon a Lawful Time
Michael Chalke
Once upon a time we had a great justice system, but that was once upon a time. The law seems to be no real deterrent to the vandals on the street today. A slap on the wrist may be the only punishment for upsetting someones life.
id=6591406 - Sep 28, 2011
Once Upon a Time in the United States of America
Mel Reed
Today, also very much like the Romans but just before the empire collapsed, white people have begun to fight among themselves for control of America. For their part, the conservatives are doing it "by any means necessary" that include lies and vicious character assaults against their opponents. So no one should be surprised at how divided we are. Moderate liberals and almost all conservatives have startling differences between them that have nothing to do with ideology. It is more an issue of character and true patriotism.

