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2013年10月3日 星期四

25 Facts on Nasa
Jay B.
NASA was established on July 29, 1958 by the National Aeronautics and Space Act. The 2009 budget for NASA is $17.6 billion dollars.
id=2435842 - Jun 04, 2009
Robots - The Future For NASA?
Doug Wetzel
Impossible. That's what the 2009 Augustine committee reported about prospects for NASA's human exploration of space, at least for the next seven years. NASA's budget issues remain at the top of the list holding humans from space but the same future may not hold true for its robots.
id=3612089 - Jan 20, 2010
Planet X 2012 NASA and the Truth About the Approaching Planet
Shelby N. Bungert
The end of the world in the year 2012 is one of the most talked about topics ever since the movie came out in 2009. There are several theories about how exactly the world will end.
id=4320588 - May 19, 2010
NASA's Mission? Well, That's an Easy One, Right?
Mark Hatfield Bray
Okay, okay. Well - most of us in the space business thought that NASA's mission was well understood, at least within NASA. Most of us actually thought that we did a lousy job of communicating to the taxpayers across the country what the mission is and why it is important. As it turns out, congress understands NASA's mission and the taxpayer understand the mission, but it is NASA that does not understand its mission.,-Thats-an-Easy-One,-Right?
id=4617210 - Jul 06, 2010
Global Warming Theory May Not Be All That Global - A Concept After All, Say NASA Insiders
Lance Winslow
A few weeks ago, I was talking to an interesting fellow who told me that the theory concerning global warming had already been proven, and that NASA even said it was so. In case you are unfamiliar with the exact definition of "global Warming theory" it states in essence that the ambient temperatures of Earth are heating up due to mankind's emissions of green house gases and specifically CO2. But actually this isn't so.,-Say-NASA-Insiders
id=6998809 - Apr 12, 2012
Google Steps in With IKHANA UAV AirCraft to Help Fight California Fires
Nancy Houser
The Ikhana is one of the U.S. Air Force planes operating in Iraq and Afghanistan, with the Ikhana airplane specially designed for NASA as a long-endurance plane that specializes in high-altitude flights. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which is flown remotely by pilots at NASA's Dryden, the Ikhana is a General Atomics Aeronautial Systems Predator B. This plane specializes in working with special sensors to process the fire images on board the plane, before sending them down to the firefighters.
id=799933 - Oct 25, 2007
Polar Shift 2012 - NASA Information
Chris Z. Mallory
When looking into the heavenly skies and wondering about the impending doomsday scenarios predicted for 2012, it is easy to believe that NASA is the trusted source for information. The fact is that when people look into the theories of polar shift 2012, NASA may not be as reputable of a source as you may thing.
id=4739770 - Jul 26, 2010
The NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 Connection
Chris Z. Mallory
What is the NASA Nibiru Planet X 2012 connection? To give you some background information on this, there are some that believe that Planet X is a heavenly body that is on a route to pass by Earth very closely every 3,600 years.
id=4739833 - Jul 26, 2010
NASA's Explorer Schools
June Campbell
The USs space agency has its hand in more earthly pursuits. Usually when we think of NASA, we think of spacecrafts exploring new frontiers. And so they do, of course, but the nation's space agency has its hand in more earthly pursuits, as well-pursuits that may well have a direct influence on the children in your life.
id=640984 - Jul 11, 2007
Can You Buy a Star From NASA?
Felicia Graham
Find out if you can buy a star from NASA in this helpful article. There is a lot of misinformation out there about whether NASA allows you to buy a star. Learn about private star registries and places where you can really buy a star.

