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2013年10月3日 星期四

Minimum Wage
When Can You Pay Less Than Minimum Wage?
Arnold Hernandez
Under federal law an employer may pay newly hired employees under the age of 20 less than minimum wage, but no less than $4.25 per hour, but only for the first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment. An overview of instances when it is legal to pay less than minimum wage.
id=769700 - Oct 06, 2007
Minimum Wage Hike
Nona Nixon
What is all the "hype" about a raise in the "minimum wage?" Congress adds a few more cents onto the "minimum wage" and people literally jump up and down for joy, why is this? Currently the "minimum wage" within New York State alone is $7.
id=656191 - Jul 22, 2007
Repealing the Minimum Wage
Daniel Hawes
Just like affirmative action and the welfare system, the liberals have distorted the entire premise of the minimum wage beyond recognition. Many are misinformed of the fact that the minimum wage is actually a deterrent to a healthy economy and small business growth.
id=4181550 - Apr 26, 2010
Economics 101 - Minimum Wage and Living Wage
Tyson Bam
An easy to understand explanation of the economics of minimum wage and living wage. Dispel the myths and misinformation and learn the basics right here, right now.
id=4571254 - Jun 29, 2010
Why Minimum Wage Workers Should Explore Internet Marketing
D Hamilton
This is an article about the benefits a minimum wage workers would receive by entering the internet marketing world. Your training would include all aspects of the affiliate marketing.
id=4819314 - Aug 07, 2010
Minimum Wage Laws Information
Patrick Hanan
The United States first established a minimum wage in 1938. Since then, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), has raised the rate of minimum wage to $7.25. On top of that, many individual states have legislated amounts that are higher than the national standard for minimum wage.
id=5265435 - Oct 25, 2010
Minimum Wage Increases Decrease Hiring and Productivity
Scott Spiegel
In his State of the Union Address last week, President Obama called for yet greater federal interference in the economy via a $1.75 per hour minimum wage hike, from $7.25 to $9.00, with additional increases tagged to inflation. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman opined that, "surprisingly," increasing the minimum wage may be good policy: "Why 'surprisingly'? Well, Economics 101 tells us to be very cautious about attempts to legislate market outcomes." No, I didn't make up that disclaimer; that's just Krugman displaying a little false modesty. Don't worry-he still comes out all in favor of the wage increase.
id=7518335 - Feb 21, 2013
Minimum Wage Hike Another Blow At Poor
Lindsey Williams
Here we go again on the minimum wage carousel. Around and around it goes. Where it stops, nobody knows. Perhaps the most stupid law ever invented by the U.S. Congress - one-upped by a few states including Florida - is headed for a soul-searching séance.
id=329360 - Oct 16, 2006
What is the New Minimum Wage - Living Wage Vs Minimum Wage
Sharon L. Green
The recent minimum wage increase, for a 40 hour work week amounts to less than $100 monthly. The 2008 increase will up the average minimum wage worker's income a little more than $200.00 monthly, and 2009 will raise their monthly income just over $300. When the increases are totally effective, the minimum wage worker will earn about $3300 more per year, for a consistent 40 hour work week, than they do now.
id=885091 - Dec 17, 2007
Why the Minimum Wage Hurts Everyone and Causes Unemployment
Tyler Williamson
Supporters of a higher minimum wage incorrectly believe that it will help teenagers and minorities. This post is a somewhat brief overview of why and how the minimum wage and the raising thereof actually hurts low-skilled workers in terms of unemployment.

