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2013年10月3日 星期四

Capitol shooting

Capitol shooting
Capturing the Images of the Treasures of Utah: Capitol Reef
Tyra B Robertson
For adventure photographers, Capitol Reef is a perfect venue. With the national park's wide array of vibrant buttes, ridges and monoliths, capturing photos of Capitol Reef can be an artsy masterpiece.
id=7763388 - Jun 04, 2013
Squabbling Over the Pigeon Bill - PA Legislature Hesitant to Shoot Down Animal Cruelty
Walter Brasch
The Pennsylvania legislature has allowed bills to prohibit live pigeon shoots to languish in committee. The state is the last one in the nation that allows people to kill pigeons in open shooting competition.
id=1294367 - Jul 02, 2008
Article Writers: Traveling This Summer? Here's What to Shoot - Part 2
Larry M. Lynch
Granted, you've accepted and applied that shooting your own "art" to accompany your articles and add depth to your queries is an essential tool of the article writer. Perhaps you have a slant or two specifically in mind. But why not add even greater range to your efforts "on location" and explode your options and possibilities for writing? In part 1 of this two-part article, we looked at slants for shooting people pictures in a variety of ways. Here we'll consider other options to help bolster your multi-media research package. Use these additional ideas to expand your photo essay shooting range.
id=228998 - Jun 25, 2006
Green Shoots For A Frozen Housing Market
Larry M. Elkin
Almost exactly two years ago, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told "60 Minutes" that he was beginning to see "green shoots" in the economy. Like the first buds after winter, he said, these events and statistics were signs that the economy would soon grow again.
id=6050875 - Mar 08, 2011
Photographing DC
Angela B Pan
Washington DC is one of the most photogenic cities in the United States. Beyond viewing beautiful monuments and stunning landscapes, you can take some outstanding images if you make sure to plan your photo shoots in advance with these tips from a native DC photographer.
id=6563686 - Sep 15, 2011
The Beatles Butcher Cover
Scott Heron
Any Beatles fan can probably tell you about the controversy caused by the cover or their album released in 1966. The butcher cover is the picture on their "Yesterday and Today" LP they released in the summer of 1966. The album featured the Beatles smiling in white outfits covered with dismembered babies and pieces of raw meat strewn about the area.
id=3912643 - Mar 11, 2010
Children Killing At School - "Is it our fault?"
Dan Bunch
Are the recent amazing number of school campus shootings, by both children and young adults, our fault? I mean, "our" as in our Society's fault? Why is this happening in this country, and what can we do about it? I hate to define, then describe, a problem within our borders, without also giving my "spin" as to a solution! That is just the way I am made-up. Constructive Criticism, is the only term I can use for my wanting to be more than a winning coward. I'm driven to try. And I think, right there, is our problem in within this Society of America!
id=317022 - Oct 03, 2006
Cheney is No Straight Shooter
Robert Crane
If Cheney has managed to do one thing, he has finally proven he is not a straight shooter!
id=146415 - Feb 16, 2006
Our Society Needs New, Creative, Out-Of-The-Box Ideas
Lori A Sotilotta
Late last week, our nation was dealt yet another tragedy. The senseless death of elementary school children in Newtown, CT raises many questions for each of us. My heart breaks for the families, for the survivors, for the brave first-responders who won't be able to get those images out of their minds.,-Creative,-Out-Of-The-Box-Ideas
id=7428749 - Dec 18, 2012
The Hunger Games Official Trailer - Detailed Review
Jacqui Munn
Now that we've been able to finally see the full Hunger Games trailer and had time to digest it, it's time to get down and dirty with it. This article goes through the trailer frame by frame to look at exactly what's going on in each shot and what we can learn about it.

