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Britney Spears
Britney Spears
Chris Shiflett
Britney Spears is an US singer, born December 2, 1981 in Kentwood Louisiana. On January 12 1999, the first Britney Spears album Baby One More Time is released. Even if no specific date was given, the next Britney Spears album is expected for early 2007.
id=326870 - Oct 13, 2006
Are You Ready For The Next Britney Spears - 'Circus'?
Matt J Ryan
Britney Spears' debut tour took place in 1999. She hit 56 cities in North America her first time out. Touring is an important part of an entertainer's revenues. Not only does the entertainer gain revenue from the tour itself, the tour allows for maximum exposure of the artist. The artist connects with fans, potentially wins over more fans, and boosts record sales in the process. While she was out seeing the world and entertaining her fans, her critics were in agreement - Britney knew how to tour.
id=1937023 - Jan 29, 2009
Celebrity Biographies - Britney Spears
Kory Doszpoly
Britney Spears was born Britney Jane Spears. She is a well known American pop singer and performer. Her talents also include song writing, acting and dancing. Some of her biggest hits are Baby One More Time, Oops! I did it again etc. Her more recent album "Toxic" has received a Grammy Award.
id=594668 - Jun 05, 2007
Britney Spears Tickets - Hitting the Road Again
Matt Joal
Britney Spears is rearing to go for her upcoming 2009 tour The Circus. With a new workout regimen and her personal life now balancing out, Britney Spears tickets are soon going to be the hottest selling tickets for 2009. Britney Spears is on the comeback. Her anticipated tour and hit singles on today's radio stations are bound to increase the sales of Britney Spears tickets.
id=1827405 - Jan 05, 2009
Britney Spears' New Tour - Just a Circus Or a New Start?
Matt J Ryan
The Circus is coming to town! Meaning, either, Britney Spears' life on parade, or her new musical tour "Circus." The public is eagerly awaiting the answer - which one will it be? Britney has chosen to open her tour on March 3, 2009 in New Orleans. This Tour of the pop star's new album, Circus is the famous pop star's long-awaited re-entry into the music industry.
id=2000458 - Feb 16, 2009
Britney Spears' Pictures: Telling Life Beyond Words
Amaryllis Zamora
Britney Spears' pictures have accompanied her in her entire career, and they sold as well as her as her albums did. Her larger-than-life star status rendered her pictures a different value. And her life's chronicles were accompanied by the visual appeal of Britney Spears' pictures. You cannot really expect to read up on news about Britney Spears if you cannot find Britney Spears' pictures partnering it. What has been observed from Britney Spears' pictures? There have been so many, but here we highlight a few of the best and worth highlighting.
id=593227 - Jun 04, 2007
The Britney Spears Circus
Deborah King
"There's only two types of people in the world," Britney Spears sings in "Circus," her newest album. "The ones that entertain and the ones that observe/I'm a put-on-a-show kind of girl." She's been putting on a show for a long time, but it certainly hasn't made her happy.
id=1864655 - Jan 09, 2009
Britney Spears and the Law of Attraction
Lee McCain
Britney Spears. Oh the tongue-wagging that goes on in supermarket checkout lines these days as moms across America breathe a collective sigh, thankful (with the possible exception of the fame and the money) that Miss Spears is somebody else's problem. Thankful that their daughters, while troublesome in their own right, haven't reached the melting point of a Spears kid.
id=914234 - Jan 06, 2008
Buying Discount Britney Spears Tickets - Tips
Tricks to Find the Tickets You Want
Julie Danners
With modern technology, buying discount Britney Spears Tickets is no longer a problem. Everyone knows that the pop legend who the public thought would never make a comeback has, so where does one go to get these greatly sought after tickets on a budget.
id=1833284 - Dec 30, 2008
How to Find Cheap Tickets For Britney Spears - See Her One More Time
Julie Danners
Cheap tickets for Britney Spears can be found several ways. If you are a fan of Britney Spears who is struggling not throw in the towel just yet. You can find affordable tickets for her concerts.

