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2013年10月1日 星期二

Valley of Betrayal
Michaelle Bragassa-Holman
No matter the situation, there are only two groups who are affected by betrayal, the betrayer and the betrayed. It is imperative that the betrayer realizes that the sin of betrayal will lead you down a path of destruction.
id=7953634 - Aug 23, 2013
Betrayed by Society
Dorothy Lafrinere
id=1453788 - Aug 29, 2008
Betrayal of the Self
Linda Bretherton
Ayurveda teaches us about the profound concept of integrity and compassion to ourselves, our family, the world and the universe. One of the greatest destroyers of integrity the the way in which we refuse to look at ourselves at the deepest level - when we know that what we are doing is wrong.
id=4246441 - May 06, 2010
How to Heal From Betrayal By Journaling
Kajay Williams
Betrayal is devastating. When someone cheats on you, they betray you and the trust that you had in them. This betrayal can make you question everything about your relationship and not only that, but also your entire life. The shock of the betrayal can also make it incredibly difficult to move on, as you feel in a state of shock - and this can make you feel completely numb. Betrayal can also mean that you go through a grieving process - either for your relationship, for your partner or for the life that you had before the betrayal. All of these negative emotions can leave you feeling incredibly depressed and confused as to how you can possible move on from the betrayal. One way to get on the road to recovery and healing following a betrayal is to chronicle your emotions in a journal. It might sound a little bit strange, but seeing your feelings written down on paper can really help you to come to terms with the betrayal and move on from it. Here's our guide to healing from betrayal by journaling.
id=7403714 - Nov 30, 2012
How to Respond to the Betrayed Spouse's Triggers
Kajay Williams
After an affair, it's very common for the betrayed spouse to have a number of triggers that cause them immense hurt and pain every time they occur - for example, certain locations, actions, words, events and places can remind the betrayed spouse of the affair, bringing back those feelings of betrayal, hurt and pain. Triggers such as these can cause the betrayed spouse to steer clear of doing certain things or of going to certain places so that they don't have to be reminded of the affair - and as such, the straying spouse has to respond to those triggers accordingly so that they don't rule the marriage. Here are some strategies for responding to the betrayed spouse's triggers.
id=7411924 - Dec 06, 2012
The Reason Betrayal Bites
Steve Wickham
Sometimes we are surprised by betrayal, but at other times we almost expect it. We felt the sense of trust getting shaky, and the lack of intimacy troubled us. But when we are surprised by betrayal the sting of such an infidelity bites and we may not be more truly hurt. The closer we were related to the person we feel betrayed by, the more trust implicit between us, the more hurt will be experienced.
id=7461539 - Jan 13, 2013
Betrayal - What Can Be Done About It?
Steve Wickham
If there's a more common response to our humanity, in relationships, I don't know what it could be. It appears to me that we are destined to betray each other. Betrayal has a way of hooking us in to the power of our own lament. How do we get over it towards acceptance, and ultimately, freedom?
id=3550242 - Jan 09, 2010
How to Trust People Again After Betrayal
Celeste Jamils
When someone has betrayed you being able to trust them again can be very difficult and sometimes even impossible. If you choose to trust this person again you are opening yourself up to additional pain if they betray you again. Your first step in learning how to trust someone after being betrayed is to decide if you want to trust them again. There are ways that you can begin to trust after betrayal.
id=3558191 - Jan 11, 2010
How to Help the Betrayed Spouse Heal From the Affair?
Kajay Williams
The betrayed spouse can find it incredibly difficult to get over the affair, even if both parties are willing and ready to work on their relationship. They often feel that their spouse is completely unaware of what they have done to the relationship - and the betraying spouse can often feel impatient that their partner hasn't forgiven them yet. This attitude can really damage a relationship, and the preoccupation that a betraying spouse can have with their own feelings, rather than their spouses can make it much more difficult for the wronged spouse to heal. There are a number of things that the straying spouse can do to help the betrayed spouse to heal from the affair, and some of them are outlined below.
id=7411906 - Dec 06, 2012
Tearing Down Walls of Bitterness, Betrayal, and Backbiting Pt 1
Candie A. Price
Walls are built to protect us from the outside elements, but in our relationships with others walls may serve a different purpose. We build walls of different behaviors to protect us from one another. I know that betrayal, bitterness and backbiting are very harsh sounding words but most of us have either been on the giving end or receiving end of at least one of these words at one time or another.,-Betrayal,-and-Backbiting-Pt-1

