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2013年10月3日 星期四

28th Amendment

28th Amendment
Proposed 28th Amendment to the US Constitution for Our Soldiers
Jerome Furlow
Today, an email is circulating for a proposition to amend our constitution for the benefit of our greater good, and to secure our soldiers future. If passed, this would be our 28th amendment to the constitution of the United States of America.
id=7173222 - Jul 12, 2012
A Proposed 28th Amendment - Some Folks Are Serious About It!
Lance Winslow
It looks like the Tea Party may get into Congress and push their own agenda, because apparently they are quite upset, and quite frankly I don't blame them. You see, they are already proposing an additional amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. They seem to believe that Congress is not above the law, and that our lawmakers should be held to the same laws that we are.!
id=5391764 - Nov 16, 2010
Constitutional Amendment
William N Edwards
An amendment to the California Constitution, passed in 2008, is under judicial review. Whether or not it will receive that review is now questionable because State Attorney General Jerry Brown (now Governor) and then Governor Arnold Schwartzenagger refused to abide by their oaths declaring they would defend the, "....laws of the State of California...." Whatever decision is made of the judicial situation, however, will not resolve the issue. Those for the law and those against it will continue to fight until a legal remedy is finalized. And the final remedy will come only if both sides resolve their differences by compromise. That will not be easy. We must, therefore, look back to our forefathers who faced insurmountable problems in developing the Constitution which permitted the initial formation of the United States of America.
id=5702132 - Jan 11, 2011
For Women Only!
Richard Walrath
Which will come first? Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment or a woman president? Both look a long way off. The question that must be asked is if the U.S. can ever have a woman president without first having equal rights for women?!
id=1027251 - Mar 05, 2008
A Memorial Day Tribute Honouring Our Military
Jacquie Hurlbut
As Americans, how do we truly show our appreciation, gratitude and thanks to members of our armed services? They are on duty twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. The work they do is often hand tied by the (shiny pants) in Washington D.C. who put all manner of restrictions upon them, while expecting the best results, which in my mind would be Victory, but frequently that word is not considered politically correct.
id=7057555 - May 11, 2012
National Debt, Jobs, And The Coming Energy Revolution
John Cavi
America is at the cusp of an energy revolution spurred by new exploration and drilling technologies that have resulted in the expansion of our domestic shale gas and oil reserves. These 2.170 trillion cubic feet of shale gas reserves coupled with shale oil reserves can make the U.S. the number one world energy producer by 2020 and a net exporter by 2025. This energy revolution provides the opportunity to: jump start the economy, create millions of jobs, become energy independent, solve the balance of payment imbalance, reduce the national debt, and stop importing oil from the Middle East. But the so called leadership - Congress and the Administration - are mired in a cesspool of special interests groups that have, for years, frustrated the development of a rational common sense energy policy that could lead the country to a second industrial revolution. The recent Keystone pipeline decision, ostensibly delayed for environmental concerns, was adeptly tabled until after the 2012 election by our morally repugnant politicians, ample evidence that a one term limit with federally funded elections is the only recourse available to the people to sever the symbiotic relations between our elected officials and the special interest groups.,-Jobs,-And-The-Coming-Energy-Revolution
id=6701499 - Nov 21, 2011
Why is the Glass Ceiling Unbreakable?
Richard Walrath
"Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2006" was released by the U.S. Census Bureau in August of 2007. The publication states "The female-to-male earnings ratio of 0.77 in 2006 was not statistically different from the 2005 ratio..." In other words working women, on average, only earn 77% of what their male counterparts are paid.
id=1021972 - Mar 03, 2008
Conclusion of "Time For Americans to Take Back Their Country!"
Harley G. Hunter
Have you noticed that the only sector of America that has grown exponentially during 2009 is government and they're done it on the backs of us taxpayers? All the way from local government through state and on to Washington, these parasites are enjoying unprecedented prosperity while the rest of America's free enterprise system is suffering.How much longer will the American free enterprise workers put up with this government "stealing" from us.!
id=3504940 - Dec 31, 2009
Senator Rangel and Trust in the US Senate Leaves Only One Option Now
Lance Winslow
Perhaps, you are unaware, but there are a good many folks now calling for a 28th amendment to the Constitution that would have every member of congress abiding by the same rules they impact onto the public. These advocates are serious too, why you ask - it's simple really, they are upset with the incessant abuse of power, which continues in Washington DC. Apparently, Senator Rangel has been convicted on 11-counts of misconduct according to a recent article in Reuters; "Charles Rangel Convicted of Ethics violations" on November 16, 2010.
id=5395876 - Nov 16, 2010
Lease Of Male' International Airport To GMR
Mohammed Moosa
This brief document summarizes the award of the Male' International Airport (MIA) to GMR of India, the prior and subsequent events leading to the award, constitutional and legal issues involved, ethical and moral questions, questions involving lack of transparency in the awarding process, and financing risks involved. 1. Introduction On 28th June 2010 the Government of the Maldives entered into a contract with GMR to lease the airport for a period of 25 years.

