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2013年9月22日 星期日

The Good Road

The Good Road
Traveling the Silk Road
Katrin Bologna
Many devastating wars, destruction, fires, famine and pestilence have seen the ancient trading cities along Traveling the Silk Road. Some of them have sunk into oblivion, leaving the ruins of the legendary descendants, other than once blazed with fire, and killed again revived, to amaze the world with riches, blue domes, openwork terracotta band of mausoleums and mosques. Centuries multilingual, bazaars, hundreds of years along the dusty caravan roads were carried for sale to Europeans silks and precious stones, spices and dyes, gold and silver, exotic birds and animals south.
id=3476940 - Dec 24, 2009
Taking the High Road in Business - High Roads Are Good, Never Be Afraid of Heights!
Lance Winslow
Many business folks who are cheated in business deals are angry and bitter, and they want revenge, still others say; "I'll take the high-road" and that is a noble trait indeed. Nevertheless, the high road is not always where the customers are and so, one has to consider one's options. Why you ask?,-Never-Be-Afraid-of-Heights!
id=2397415 - May 26, 2009
Tips To Buying A Good Road Bike
Ken Zalot
Perhaps you secretly admire owners of excellent road bikes, and you yearn to get one which is also in fine condition for yourself. However, laying your hands on a topnotch bike is easier said than done. In order for you to get one that will stand the test of time while living up to your expectations, there are a couple of things to bear in mind. It is only by making the best choice of machine of lasting quality that will leave you with the assurance that you have not wasted your hard-earned money. Here are some tips to buying a good road bike.
id=5729684 - Jan 15, 2011
The High Road
Benson Medina
A few weeks ago I got a call from my son's mother (apparently the politically correct way to refer to your ex) and we talked about some of our family issues and generally caught up on what's going on in our lives. Though we don't have a romantic connection anymore and we don't talk about our future together, we've never had a problem keeping things positive. Even when we talk about events in our past, we've had enough time and distance go by to see things for what they are: part of the journey that has brought us to where we are today.
id=6192946 - Apr 19, 2011
I Feel Resentful That I'm Expected To Take The High Road After My Husband's Cheating And Affair
Katie Lersch
I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: "my husband had an affair last year. Immediately afterward, I kicked him out because I just could not stand the sight of him. I have to admit that I missed him and eventually I realized that I do not want to sacrifice my marriage. So I eventually let him move back home. But once he did, it was like he expected me to just put on a happy face and act as if the affair never happened. I have just not been able to do that. I'm still angry. I'm still disappointed. I need to see a lot of remorse and changes in him. But he doesn't seem to want to hear this. Even my friends are telling me that he isn't going to be patient with me forever. They advise me to take the high road and resist the urges that I have to contact the other woman, or grill my husband about the affair. Why do I always have to take the high road and pretend that everything is fine when it isn't? My husband still hasn't done enough to make this up to me."
id=6591578 - Sep 28, 2011
The Silk Road - A Popular Route to Export Silk to Other Countries
Mike Ramidden
Cotton fabric is comfortable to wear, yet the silk fabric has a different charm. The finest silks were first cultivated in China and exported to other countries of the world through the Silk Road. This is not a single route but a set of routes that connected the regions of China, central Asia, and the West for trade and commerce.
id=1815046 - Dec 23, 2008
The Silk Road by Jeanne Larsen
Richard Stooker
Take Chinese mythology and history and weave in a story you hope will fascinate modern readers. Include some modern satire and humor with some old-style Chinese charm.
id=5526910 - Dec 09, 2010
Movie Reviews - The Goods - Live Hard, Sell Hard
Dan Stevens
Movie Reviews this week looks at The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard a riotous comedy produced by Will Ferrell (Wedding Crashers). It stars Jeremy Piven (Entourage) as Don Ready, a car sales man that has been brought in by Ben Selleck played by James Brolin (played Ronald Reagan in The Reagans, and father of Josh, he looks remarkably like an older Christian Bale), to help save his business.,-Sell-Hard
id=3187827 - Oct 31, 2009
Imagining the Good Society - Part One
Tristan Ewins
In this article the author considers the case for a 'Good Society': for social justice, a participatory public sphere, public services , meaningful democracy, a mixed economy and more. While it can be read and understood separately, the article is one of a two-part series.
id=1858276 - Jun 14, 2009
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Angela Mwema
Jesus told a story of how a certain man was attacked by robbers who beat him up and left him for dead. As he lay on the road unconscious, a priest passed by and had one look at him then went his way, passing on the other side of the road. A few minutes later, a Levi passed by and did exactly what the priest did and went his way too. As time went by, a Samaritan came by and noticed the badly beaten up man. He was deeply moved and was compassionate. He took him, washed up his wounds with oil and wine then dressed them up.

