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2013年9月22日 星期日


Prison Food - Past and Present
William C Robinson
Prison food has been an issue of concern for all penal systems in every country of the world. In England in the early 1800's it was not an issue - you didn't get any food. Poor prison food usually ends up in riots. This article is about the improvements that have been made over 200 years.
id=5682621 - Jan 08, 2011
10 Prisons That People Must at Least Know
Panhavorn Herr
Prison is a place in which people are physically confined and usually deprived of a range of personal freedoms. Here is the list of top 10 prisons that people must at least know.
id=7705632 - May 09, 2013
Prisoner Reentry: What It Takes to Succeed
Andre Norman
I have identified several things that newly released prisoners need to know to increase the likelihood that they will stay free and succeed in life. This advice is designed to help not only ex-prisoners, but their families and the support programs that work with them.
id=57205 - Aug 05, 2005
Understanding Prisoner Learning
Miriam Scurrah
What do prisoners learn from their time in prison? This is an interesting question, the answer to which has implications for community safety and prisoner reintegration success. This article will introduce the reader to some of the key concepts in answering this question.
id=3271983 - Nov 15, 2009
Prison Facts That We Need to Know
Martin Craigs
Do you know anything about prisons? Well, there are certain facts that everybody should know and keep in mind. Improve your general knowledge by learning about prison changes since the late 1980s, the differences in types of prisons, certain rights and privileges that are accorded to inmates, and much more.
id=4017322 - Mar 29, 2010
A Surprising Comparison Between Prison and Slavery
John Gleissner
Modern mass incarceration is worse than the chattel slavery in the antebellum South. We can learn a few things from the study of history to help solve our current prison crisis, without repeated the mistakes of the past.
id=5340002 - Nov 07, 2010
How Bad Is the Crisis in America's Prisons?
John Gleissner
The size of the American prison population and the effects and expenses of incarceration are out of control. We are headed for trouble as a nation without major criminal justice and prison reform.
id=5361929 - Nov 10, 2010
Smoking Bans in Prisons
George S Davis
Several countries have introduced smoking bans in prisons and the trend is likely to continue. It is hoped that prison smoking bans will provide a healthier environment for prisoners and prison staff alike.
id=6778460 - Dec 25, 2011
Prison Paradigm Shift Away From Big Government Needed
John Gleissner
We face a massive prison crisis in the United States, and some thinking outside the box is necessary. Earlier in American history, incarceration was rare or non-existent. Shouldn't we figure out what they were doing right?
id=6846793 - Jan 28, 2012
The Scariest Places on Earth - Most Haunted Prisons
Jodi Roberts
Here, you will learn about some of the most haunted prisons that I have stumbled upon in much personal research. The spooky tales and frightening evidence surrounding these prisons will outline why many refer to them as the scariest places on Earth!

