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2013年9月30日 星期一

Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory - Evidence of the Start of Cosmos and Human Evolution
Vijay Kumar Jain
The definition of God the Almighty as given in the Bhagavad Gita is the sum total of all purified Souls (Atmans) existing in the whole of Cosmos at a given point of time and these purified Souls combine together to form the size of half a thumb. And unable to sustain this massive energy for long... this half the size of a thumb what we call as God the Almighty explodes. And it explodes with a Big Bang giving birth to The Big Bang Theory!
id=2591937 - Jul 10, 2009
The Simplified Big Bang Theory
Aditya Dey
This article is about the Big Bang Theory, I kept this article very short and simple. You will understand the theory very easily from this article.
id=6652055 - Oct 26, 2011
Big Bang Theory Suggests God Exists?
Shakti Singh Rathore
The entire universe with microwave radiations,seems to suggest that some violent phenomenon would have occurred billions of years ago what the physicists called as the Big Bang. The theory is also supported by the Doppler's effect of red shift of light. As observed by astronomer Edwin Hubble that the light from the stars has red shift which seems to suggest that the universe is expanding.
id=6925859 - Mar 07, 2012
Was The Universe Created by God? Creation Or the Big Bang Theory?
Collin D Trenery
A subject of constant debate around the world today is whether or not there is a God that created us and everything around us. Many people are uncertain as to what to believe, and call themselves agnostics. Many people also claim to be atheist, believing that there is absolutely no God. The atheistic position is very inconsistent, however, because it based on the idea that because there is supposedly no visible or tangible evidence of a God, then one does not exist. The only problem with this is that if you yourself have not checked under every rock and behind every tree, then to say there is no God is pure opinion and belief. Therefore, the agnostic position is much more consistent than the atheistic position.
id=5216175 - Oct 16, 2010
Why I Loathe The Big Bang Theory
Shiromi Arserio
Supposedly if you're a geek, you have to love The Big Bang Theory. But for some reason that I cannot fathom, this show just makes me want to puke garish, skittle coloured vomit.
id=5367962 - Nov 11, 2010
How The Big Bang Theory Could Go Bust
Heather Laslow
Nearly every show that starts out with an ensemble cast usually ends up with one character who stands out and becomes a viewer favorite. It didn't take long for Sheldon to become that character on The Big Bang Theory. But if it continues the way it's going, the big bang may go bust.
id=6015348 - Feb 28, 2011
The Big Bang Theory: The Complete Third Season
Tyler Deardon
For this article we're going to review a gift suggestion called The Big Bang Theory: The Complete Third Season. If you've never seen the show then we'll discuss it in more detail more. As for our suggestion, we think it's the perfect gift for men who like smart humor.
id=5135594 - Oct 01, 2010
The Big Bang Theory The Desperation Emanation (4-5)
Patrick Hayes
Leonard discovers that he is alone while his nerdy friends all currently have women in their lives. Will Sheldon meet Amy Farrah Fowler's mother? All your questions will be answered in The Desperation Emanation episode review.
id=5286971 - Oct 28, 2010
Is the Big Bang Theory of Our Evolution More Credible Than the Holy Bible and the Book of Genesis?
Leslie Musoko
The big bang theory makes a lot of sense until we ask the question what caused the bang in the first place. If we can answer this question then the next one after that would be what caused, that which caused the bang?
id=4294377 - May 14, 2010
A Briefly Insight Into the Big Bang Theory
Ed Raine
One of the most controversial theories in the history of mankind is the Big Bang theory. It's almost widely accepted and helped us to understand our existence in many ways. But what really is The Big Bang?

