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2013年9月30日 星期一

Lord Byron's "She Walks in Beauty"
Garry Gamber
Lord Byron's opening couplet to "She Walks In Beauty" is among the most memorable and most quoted lines in romantic poetry. The opening lines are effortless, graceful, and beautiful, a fitting match for his poem about a woman who possesses effortless grace and beauty.
id=40911 - Jun 03, 2005
The Day of the Lord - What is It?
Cornelius R. Stam
The Scriptures have much to say about "the day of the Lord," but precisely what is the day of the Lord? Generally speaking, of course, it refers to the time when the day of man, or "the times of the Gentiles," will be brought to an end and "the Lord alone shall be exalted" (Isa. 2:11,17). But will it include more than the actual return and reign of Christ? Will it include the prophesied tribulation period, during which God will bring Gentile rule to an end? We believe it will.
id=344553 - Nov 01, 2006
Understanding the Lord's Supper
Paul Rupe
I can remember communion like it was yesterday. The plate with the little "cracker like thingies" was passed around, as were the cups of juice. Waves of fear washed over me as I tried to remember everything I had done that week, every single sin, so I could confess it and not partake of the Lord's Supper unworthily. Does this sound like grace to you?
id=447971 - Feb 08, 2007
How Shall We Know the Word the Lord Has Spoken?
Howard E Wright
This is a very good question which deserves an honest answer. There are many people who are asking this question. To answer this question, we need to know the character of the Lord and the nature of the people to whom He is speaking. Once we have this information, we can know if the word given to us is from the Lord or not.
id=3584859 - Jan 15, 2010
The Lord's Supper - Celebrating the Bread and the Cup
Charles Smoot
In the early church the Lord's Supper was not reduced to a sacred ceremony consisting of a small cracker and a tiny glass of grape juice administered by professional clergy. In contrast to modern practice the early church observed the Lord's Supper regularly, breaking bread from house to house.
id=3931402 - Mar 15, 2010
How Will You Cope on the Day of the LORD?
Matthew Robert Payne
The Day of the LORD is coming really soon and all the signs of the times are pointing that way. On that Day when Revelation is being outpoured, will you be hidden from the LORD's wrath or won't you? Zephaniah holds the key and what you need to do right now to be ready so you'll hidden from the wrath.
id=423023 - Jan 18, 2007
Do Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain
Hans VanKrieken
Human and religious understanding of the truth is nonsense in spirit. Religious expression is futile if one wants to be redeemed into true spirit. Human rationality and religious understanding will only further one's journey deeper into hell. The universe is hell but it has many stations and isolations as one progresses deeper through accepting ever more systems of deceit seen as progressive, philosophical thought; deceit seen as deep spiritual perception by the deceived leads to a place deeper in hell. Lords are criminally insane brutes. Permanent mental and physical disabilities, and chronic diseases and deep sorrows are also kinds of Lords.
id=2483188 - Jun 16, 2009
Children of the Lord God - The Peculiar People
Leroy Daley
Most parents, if not all, hold their children as special and afford them privileges given to no other child or children but their own. As, parents, while loving the off springs of other people your own children have a special niche in your heart. So by virtue of being your off-springs, your children enjoy special benefits and privileges, at your expense, no other children will enjoy because you will not tolerate them to do so.
id=4067648 - Apr 07, 2010
3 Tips to Shining With the Glory of the Lord
Matthew Robert Payne
The fact that Moses face shone with the Glory of the LORD and Jesus shone with the LORD's Glory on the mount of transfiguration should be Biblical precedent enough for us to know we can shone with that Glory, but I have a prophecy about the last days in Isaiah to support our article for those that are still skeptical. Find here, 3 Tips how you can shine with the Glory of the LORD.
id=3461811 - Dec 21, 2009
Lord Of The Rings Slots - Fellowship of the Ring Slot Game
Bennie Jarvis
If you are a Fan of the Lord Of the Rings Movie Trilogy then you are really going to love the Lord of the Rings Slots available at several reputable Online Casinos. There are Stacked Wilds with one extra wild enabling 243 exciting ways to win with the classic pay-line structure.

