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2013年9月22日 星期日

Please Marry My Boy

Please Marry My Boy
Why Gays and Lesbians Marry Straight Spouses
Patricia Cheney
So why do we do it? For what reasons do so many gays and lesbians get married to those of the opposite sex? A reflection of why gays and lesbians continue to choose heterosexual marriage as a life option.
id=831945 - Nov 13, 2007
8 Super Tips For Instant Bad Boy Sex Appeal (Nice Guys Only)
Yangki Christine Akiteng
If you are having trouble finding that balance between being sensitive, kind and respectful to women and being a guy that women find attractive and even irresistible, then you are most likely a Nice or Good Guy. You may have read and even tried some of the Aggressive Alpha Male Routines but the better part of you just can't bring yourself to treat women like disposables. So although you love women and in many ways admire some of them, you're finding it hard to break out of the "Nice Guy" funk you're in.
id=1734400 - Nov 26, 2008
There Are Four Types of Mama's Boys and Four Types of Daddy's Girls
Sarah Malinak
Though it may surprise you, you will recognize these four types of mama's boys and daddy's girls! Understanding these types can help you get a handle on how to improve the romance you share with your adult mama's boy or daddy's girl.
id=1766383 - Dec 07, 2008
The Phenomenon of the Manhattan Man-Boy
Marni Galison
Recently, I had a female client come to me who is truly gorgeous, stylish, smart and serious about meeting the "One." She is a woman - poised, mature and elegant - and, as she explained, she is looking to meet A MAN. Someone who is, among other things, mature, sexy, confident, unfailingly responsible, an adult also looking to meet an adult.
id=6198507 - Apr 20, 2011
How to Decide Who to Marry
Sury Singh
Deciding to marry, in itself, is a difficult decision. Then deciding who to marry can be plain impossible for some people. A humorous take on marriages awaits to tickle you in this short story.
id=4915209 - Aug 23, 2010
Protecting Your Children, Especially Young Boys, From Manipulative Young Girls
Rebecca Book
There are too many times when young girls are abused by young boys. But, more times than we think, young boys are manipulated by young girls. There are ways to protect your children by listening to them and watching out for certain signs of behavior.,-Especially-Young-Boys,-From-Manipulative-Young-Girls
id=2261627 - Apr 23, 2009
Are Girls Harder to Raise Than Boys?
Alison Oakley
Hard to say, really. I always wanted boys, thinking that they'd be easier to raise. And let's face it, boys don't actually get pregnant.
id=5979442 - Feb 23, 2011
The Drama Called Life - An Appetizer For Married And Singles
Emmanuel Abraham
She had sin against God and her husband, she was Counseled to repent before God, which she did without hesitation and when prompted to tell her husband, this she was reluctant to do. How will she start, she knew no words in the entire world will be enough to explain her callous act, imagine these words for example; Jeffon, my dear, I was trying to tell you this for some time now... That those Children, our Children I mean, are not yours, I had them through an ex-guy...
id=662616 - Jul 26, 2007
How to Impress My Husband With Surprises - Most Important Keys to a Successful Married Life
Krista Hiles
You have a perfect marriage and are happy in your comfort zone. You know that he is content being with you and it seems that you are made for each other. However, if you wish to sparkle up your lives, then there are few things you can do and impress him.
id=5993897 - Feb 24, 2011
The Men In Your Life and How To Please Them
Bradlley Mckoy
It's amazing what people would do to please other people. Whether you're a man or a woman, there will always be men in your life that you'd want to please because of some weird psychological makeup, or simply just an impulse to make them happy that you're around. Perhaps, they make you happy too, or you want them to appreciate you.

