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2013年9月28日 星期六

The Blacklist

The Blacklist
How to Get Your Screenplay Onto The Blacklist
Matt Canham
id=7429519 - Dec 18, 2012
Getting On and Off the Blacklists Job Recruiters Keep
Abraham Camacho
We cannot help ourselves; it is when we require to try and do our very best, that the pressure of it all takes over us and gives us a moment that we end up regretting. Just for how long, we by no means know until we do. Individuals are so desperate for that elusive employment prospect today, and so anxious are they to please, that they make some cartoonish mistakes - much more so nowadays than ever prior to.
id=4474067 - Jun 13, 2010
Avoiding the Blacklists and Spam Folder
Adam Jasa
Advice on how legitimate non-spammers can help make sure their email is delivered. How to stay off the blacklists and out of the Spam Folder.
id=1117760 - Apr 17, 2008
The Blacklisting of Dorothy Parker: The Pendulum of Power Swings Against the Bill of Rights, Again!
Terrie Frankel
The American Constitution has a unique American component called the Bill of Rights. It has barely withstood the pressures of time and is barely alive today. Clearly, whoever is in power in this country is usually dismayed that the Bill of Rights even exist. It's such a nuisance and bother. "Do we really need it?", the say. It is ironic that the red scare of the 1950s was led by the Republicans and the Bill of Rights was defended mostly by Democrats (President Reagan testified against Hollywood liberals at the time that led to the infamous Black List). Now, it's the reverse. The Democrats and President Obama have chipped away at the Bill of Rights. It is any wonder anyone bothers to quote these rights for there are literally hundreds of laws and executive orders limiting their effectiveness and meaning.,-Again!
id=7415562 - Dec 12, 2012

