Daylight Savings
Daylight Savings Times - Why We Have It, Why We Should Have It, Why We Should Not
Anne Clarke
Most of us observe daylight savings time - we have no choice when the majority of our country does. But do most of us even know why we have daylight savings time? Read on to find out the reasoning behind this time change, the positives of daylight savings, and the negatives.,-Why-We-Should-Have-It,-Why-We-Should-Not
id=194097 - May 09, 2006
Daylight Savings Time Around The Globe
Edward Lathrop
How many hours difference is there between New York and Moscow? The answer depends on whether or not it is daylight savings time in either, neither or both places. Learn all the things about daylight savings time nobody ever thinks about!
id=926430 - Jan 13, 2008
When Does Daylight Savings Time Begin? You Won't Have to Ask Anymore!
Edward Lathrop
If you're like a lot of people, you just don't see the logic in turning the clocks ahead and back on different weekends during the year. Furthermore remembering when to change them and what direction they should go is another problem. Worry no more! This article will give you a full proof way to remember when it's time to change your clocks so you can watch in amazement at everybody else who has no clue!!
id=915741 - Jan 07, 2008
Daylight Savings
Nate Gillespie
Anybody else sleep right through the shift to Daylight Savings Time this year? Anybody else find out they were supposed to have "sprung forward" only after showing up an hour late for Sunday brunch? (Sorry Grandma!)
id=2114442 - Mar 18, 2009
Does Daylight Savings Time Really Save Electricity?
Mistie Fairchild
Although made into U.S. law by the Uniform Time Act of 1966, it was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, while he was a minister to France. No action was taken then, but in 1907 the subject came up again when Englishman William Willett suggested that England move the clock ahead by 80 minutes.
id=3975509 - Mar 22, 2010
Daylight Saving Time Is Obsolete
Mark D Shapiro
The asserted goal in 2007 was again to save energy. I would have chosen to abandon DST, and move to "summer and winter hours" instead. And, while DST might have saved energy 80 years ago, I do not think DST saves any energy in modern times. What energy is saved in the morning gets lost in the evening and vice versa.
id=7365949 - Nov 05, 2012
Daylight Savings Time - It's New Effect on Canadian IT systems
Stuart Crawford
This Sunday, March 11th, Canada and the other parts of the world will prepare not to spring ahead but take a leap forward. Daylight Savings Time will hit us four weeks earlier that what we have been used to in the past due to a change passed in the United States to extend the period of the time that daylight savings time is in effect. Daylight Savings Time will now be in effect from the second Sunday in March to the First Sunday in November.
id=479422 - Mar 06, 2007
Daylight Saving Time - From Benjamin Franklin to Today
Esperedion Beoyo Jr
There is history in almost everything, and the concept of daylight savings time offers no exception to that rule. In fact, the entire concept was originally introduced to American culture by one of the founders of our country, Benjamin Franklin.
id=3925141 - Mar 14, 2010
Tax Guide for Daylight Savings and Hourly Workers
Greg E Watson
How does daylight savings time impact hourly employees? Employers? Overtime? Every spring and every fall, Daylight Savings Time impacts hourly workers and employers across the country. As we "spring forward" each Spring, employees who are working overnight as the time change occurs lose an hour of pay.
id=6107658 - Mar 23, 2011
Putting Daylight Savings Time Change To Work For You!
Gregory L Gomez
I always found it frustrating when we change our clocks an hour back in the fall causing darkness to set in around 5pm. I never truly agreed with this time change always wondering how it really helps us these days. Now that we're back to days with extended daylight hours, I have found myself really motivated to get outside more and exercise. If you have been pleasantly surprised at the extended daylight hours we now have, let that help inspire you to be more active.!